Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The "Say Yes!" Challenge

After reading "Your Job Is To Say Yes!" on simplehomeschool.net, I decided that I would take ONE day and see if I could say YES more often than I say NO.  Ahem....this will be one of the most challenging missions I've ever undertaken.

You see, Little Man is 4 1/2 years old and has been diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD).  We recently learned that his "quirks" had a name so I am still adjusting from being irritated all the time because I couldn't understand what was going on with him.  Unfortunately, that irritation leads to a lot of "NOs".  Not because I want to punish him but because most of the time what he wants to do will inconvenience me in some way and my patience is more often than not running on empty.  Yikes.  That sounds completely horrible but I'm just keeping it real here.

Today I thought I would take a practice run at the "Say Yes!" Challenge.  I didn't keep an official tally but there were definitely more "yes"es than usual.  I think the "no"s still won out though.  I'll let you know how my official day goes.

Want to join me in this challenge?  I am choosing every Monday as my "Say Yes!" Challenge day.  Leave a comment below and let me know how it goes!


  1. Great challenge, Tara!

    Your Little Man may have SPD, but it's a great reminder to ALL moms that yes's speak much louder of our love than no's.

    Of course, there are times you MUST say no, but they can be tempered with love :)

    When I learned that secret, my parenting got so much more enjoyable...

  2. Great posting - welcome to the homeschool blogosphere!

  3. I found out from reading Mary Sheedy Kurcinka's book "Raising your Spirited Child" that I have a negative first reaction. I definitely need to practice my yesses!

    Would love to talk to you more about SPD....I suspect it in my 6-yr-old.....

  4. Stephanie,
    Sure, I would love to talk to you about SPD. Email me at GraceGlory77atyahoodotcom.



I would love to hear from you! I welcome differing opinions but please keep tone gracious!